In 1999, Danny was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. After rounds of chemo and a stem-cell transplant, Danny was in remission. In 2011, Danny was diagnosed with chemo-induced Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). In 2012, he underwent a bone marrow transplant and months of treatments and other complications.

Danny fought courageously for many years to beat this cancer. Few knew the full extent of his battle and the suffering he endured. It was horrifying to watch such an incredible person - who loved life and friends and family so deeply - undergo months upon months of chemotherapy, isolation, transfusions, fevers and other terrible side effect from this relentless disease and toxic treatments.

Danny lost his valiant battle with cancer on January 27, 2013. 

The Daniel B. Allanoff Foundation has been established to honor Dan’s memory and to advance research of blood cancers, using his uniquely preserved cells to improve treatment and find a cure. Groundbreaking research is being conducted on Dan's own leukemic cell line at the University of Pennsylvania.